Friday, August 28, 2009

I read 2.5 hours
Page 1 to 28

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Ive read more of my book and now the man that the
children are staying with is making them clean the
house and do all the house work. And he asked the
children to cook a meal for him and his friends. so
look for any things to cook with and there is nothing.
So now they have to figure out what to cook and how
they are going to cook it.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I have read more and found out that the three children's relative
is a dirty, old, mean man, and they have to live with him. He
makes them all share one bed room with one bed and a
refrigerator box to put their cloths in. They say that the
floor is more comfortable than the bed so they don't have good
places to sleep. They are all very sad that their lives have turned
bad in just a couple days. And that's as far as I have gotten.

Monday, August 24, 2009

I just started the book The Bad Beginning by Lemony Snicket.
At the beginning of the book there are three children, two girls
and a boy. The oldest is a girl and she invents things, the
middle child is a boy and he loves to read, and the youngest
child is a girl baby and she likes to bite on things. They found
out by their neighbor when theywere at the beach that there
house burned down and their parents died. And now they
have to livewith their closest relative and that's as far as I
have gotten.